NEW Autocad Command for Block Layer

I wanted to share a quick tip that could save you some headaches in AutoCAD, especially when dealing with blocks that don’t behave as expected. Have you ever tried changing the color of a block, only to see no visible change? This often happens because the block’s internal linework has been overwritten and isn’t set to the correct layer, “Layer 0.”

To fix this, you typically need to edit the block, manually adjust the properties, and then save the changes. However, there’s a more efficient way to handle this using a simple command macro. This macro can streamline the entire process by copying the internal geometry of the block and forcing it onto “Layer 0” without ever needing to enter the block editor.

Here is the macro code i use: ^C^C_NCOPY;\;;;-LAYMRG;L;;N;0;Y;_ERASE;L;;

Once the macro is set up, you can quickly apply it to any block, ensuring that your layer properties reflect exactly as intended. It’s a small tweak, but it can make a big difference, especially when working with drawings from various sources that might not always follow the same standards. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you.

Here is the video for full instructions if needed:

If you want to see all of our command macros in one place, check out our Patreon group. 

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