Autocad Bad Practices in Team Project (Please Stop This)

A week ago, I am seating on my work desk, when I had to call a coworker to clarify some drawing management.
basically, we both were working on the same project and I was confused as to which was the drawing we were supposed to be using. After I knew the correct drawing to work on, I let him know that i was highlighting in yellow what I already finished to avoid any confusion. nicely, I suggested him do the same.
After he left, i wondered whether people actually care about making their coworker’s life easier or not. Probably not many, but what about making their boss’s life easier?
Anyway, since there isn’t much information out there about the subject, here are some Autocad bad practices when Working on a team project and tips to turn them into good practices.

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Hope these techniques helped you understand your coworkers and boss when working in a Team project in Autocad, and please #StopWastingTime in AutoCAD!

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