Best AutoCAD Commands for Automation

Hi, I’m Irving, welcome AutoCAD drafter! In this video, I’m going to show you the best  AutoCAD commands to automate your work and save you a lot of time, so let’s get started!

Automate All Your Text To Either Lowercase Or Uppercase

The very first command is to change your text from lowercase to uppercase or vice versa in your entire drawing. So for instance here you can see that I have some texts that are lowercase and other ones that are uppercase so for these, I’m going to use here the tcase command and in this case, I’m going to type all and press enter as you can see here we have many options so in this case, I’m going to pick uppercase and then click ok as you can see all of my texts now in this drawing are uppercase as I wanted it. So, this is a very productive way to automate all your text to either lowercase or uppercase.

Send All Your Hatches In Your Drawing To The Back

Okay the next command is to send all your hatches in your drawing to the back at once. So, for example here in this drawing we can see that some of our hatches are on top of our text. So, for this, we’re going to use the hatch to back command, or its shortcut HB, and press enter. As you can see all your hatches were sent to the back automatically and now your text can be read! So, this is a way to automate how you move and interact with your hatches in AutoCAD.

I Don’t Want To Change Each Word Individually

So, let’s go to the next command. Let’s say for instance that these existing storefront doors and so on are not existing and they are new so, I don’t want to change each word individually so let me use the find command. I’ll type existing here and I’ll replace it with new make sure is in model space over here or you can say current space and then you can say replace all once you do that it says seven matches or objects found or changed and you can click done as you can see the existing word in your text was changed for new and you didn’t have to do it manually Awesome!

Replace Many Blocks With A Different Block Automatically

Okay the next command is to replace many blocks with a different block automatically so let me show you here in this example I want to replace all of these circular handicap clearances with this rectangular one so for this, we’re going to use blockreplace command and we’re going to click here I’m going to pick this circular block and then I’m going to click again, pick and in this case, I’m going to pick this other rectangular block it says purge and reference items,  I’ll say y for yes, and as you can see your other blocks were replaced automatically in your entire drawing! This is a very automatic way to replace any of your blocks with a block that you wish.

Change Or Turn Off And On All The Frames Of All Your Objects In Autocad

Okay, the next command is to automate the way you use the frames or the way you turn off and on your frames in AutoCAD. For instance, in this drawing I added it quickly an image and a wipeout over here. Very simple but you can even have Pdf, images, and so on but the idea here is to automate your work by in this case by avoiding the use of many commands and do it all at once so for instance here, if I want to turn off the image frame, I’ll have to use the command imageframe and turn it back to zero. As you can see there’s no frame now and the same for the wipeout, right? Wipeout, frame, and off and so on. So, I’m going to undo that and to change or turn off and on all the frames of all your objects in AutoCAD you’re going to use the tframes command and press enter. You can see that both of your objects frames are now turned off so again if I type tframes again and press enter all of the frames of your objects are now turned on, all at once! So, this is a very productive way to automate your work inside AutoCAD, and again this will work for pdfs, Images, all the objects, wipeouts and so on.

Send All Our Text In A Drawing To The Front

So, let’s go to the next command and this command will help us send all our text in a drawing to the front. So, let me show you in this example I have my text to the back of this hatch to send all our text to the front we’re going to use the texttofront command. So, if I use it and say all, you can see that your text in your entire drawing was sent to the front. So, you can now read it and again this is a way to automate your workflow in AutoCAD.

Automating The Rotation Of Your Text Or Attributes

So, the next command is for automating the rotation of your text or attributes in any drawing. So, let me show you this example, I have all these lighting blocks that have a text, and specifically an attribute. So, if I would like to rotate all of them at once to automate my work I’ll use the following command torient and press enter I’ll click once, twice to specify my rotation and as you can see, this is a very productive way to automate again your work, so you don’t have to do the same process every time.

Avoid Saving Each Of Our Drawings Individually

Okay let’s now go to the next command and this command is going to help us to avoid saving each of our drawings Individually. So, for example here in this AutoCAD interface, I have three open drawings as you can see and what I want to do is save all these drawings at once to automate my work. So, I’m going to use the saveall command as you can see AutoCAD is taking a little bit of time and if you see here… done!

All My Open Drawings Were Closed Automatically!

So let’s go to the next command. So, let’s say for instance that I’m in a hurry and I already worked on these drawings and I want to close them. Instead of closing them each drawing individually, I want to close them all at once, right? Because I want to automate my work so for this, I’m going to use the following command closeall and press enter as you can see all my open drawings were closed automatically! And this again is a very productive way to automate your work, so you don’t have to work harder.

The Rest Of The Other Drawings Were Closed Automatically

Now wait, what happens if you didn’t want to close the current drawing that you were working on? So let’s go back real quick I’m going to go to this drawing and I’ve been working on it and I want to keep working on it but I’m not going to use the rest of the other drawings. So for this, I’m going to use the following command closeallother and press enter as you can see the drawing that I was working on and that I’m actually using right now stays open and the rest of the other drawings were closed automatically, great! And again, this is another way to automate your work in AutoCAD.

All right let me know if this was useful or not, and if you want to join the Lazy Arquitecto team simply subscribe and turn on the bell Notification! By the way, did I miss any AutoCAD command for Automation? 

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